Tater and Tots

Monday, May 17, 2010



Here is just one talk that I have found fascinating on this website. Thank you to Anne Huffman for passing on a lecture by Ken Robinson about how creativity is not taught in school, and is devalued. After watching his video, I kept clicking and clicking! Very interesting. There is a math teacher who makes some very good points (Dan Meyer); there was a talk by Richard Dawkins, and now I'm learning about the reason people are Happy! Oh, yes, and how more choices leads to LESS happiness. Another good one.

Contemplating a lot about home schooling, and education in general, and the future of my children this weekend. The h.s. conference in Ft. Wayne was very educational, but did not leave me feeling as though I need to buy a bunch of stuff... actually, it started me feeling like I need to purchase very little. Have I mentioned how much I love my library?

Friday, May 14, 2010

squidoo, ramblings

So, I'm using this blog to get started writing again. I forgot my password for this site last night, and had to reset it this morning. Duh!!! Well, I am glad I didn't lose this blog; what a shame to have to set it all up again and lose my huge amount of posts! ;)

Squidoo.com is an interesting writing site. I was thinking of posting on there. I started my first "lens", but then got stuck in some of the details and haven't been back. I was getting a 5-day tutorial in my inbox, so I followed the first day... and then never got another one! Also, I tried to report it to the site and got re-directed to a page like, "no longer exists" or something weird. Plus I can't figure out how to do some of the graphics others have on their lenses.

I'm trying to finish up homeschooling this year. Maybe when I'm not thinking of the kids' curriculum, I can focus more on me and my "studies". I want to get back to writing, and also practicing the piano!! I was doing it last summer or fall, but then quit. Alex is starting to get ahead of me in piano knowledge! LOL I want to at least try to keep up with her!

TOPIC CHANGE: Are we moving or what? Now we're getting some estimates for remodeling this house. Just to see what all our options are... wish I knew if we were going to get a buyer in the next 3 months...

More later... kids need re-directing.(WHAT IS IT about typing "t" that keeps opening a new tab??? I must be hitting Alt+T or CtrlT or something!!! arrghhh!!!!)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Field Trips

Had a fun day yesterday at a "Gym & Swim" at the Y. Getting out of the house is mighty important during the homeschool year. Especially for the eldest, who doesn't ever want to leave the house but then is glad he did after we go somewhere. Just this spring we've already been to a Grocery Store, a Donut Shop, a Greenhouse, a Symphony, and an Equestrian Center. Over the winter I believe we attended some museums such as Health Works, and last fall we went to the College Football Hall of Fame, we saw Cats at the Round Barn Theatre, went to the Survive Alive house, and Alex went to the Nutcracker at the Morris.

Last year was SB Choc Factory, the Airport, and others. I can't remember them now, which is why i'm trying to chronicle some stuff at this point!

My son would usually balk at the idea, and i would tell him that he went to public school for a few years and got to experience field trips; his sister did not. So we were doing this for her! And he would go along. He almost always said he was happy we went after it was over. This was one of those issues where I hate to force the kids into stuff, but really sometimes ya got to.

more on that later.


Monday, April 12, 2010

Testing 4, 5, 6.

I can't believe I set this up and never used it. I have an issue with worrying what people think about me, which makes me freeze up every time I think of publishing my writing (yes, even a blog). But I've really wanted to chronicle my homeschooling, so let's see if this works this year!

Monday, August 22, 2005


Hello?? Testing, 1, 2, 3...